About/Contact Us

  • To learn more about why we created this website, please read Why remember the Green Corn Rebellion?
  • If you find and would like to contribute any historical/archival materials about the GCR, we encourage you to first post them to Archive.org and then to send us a link to the materials as posted on Archive.org. We are suggesting this as it will better ensure the materials are not lost (since Archive.org maintains multiple archives of its content in multiple locations around the world). But if you would rather not do that, you can also send these items directly to us.
  • If you have any of your own reflections (including essays, poems, songs, visual art or academic papers) and would like to share them with us to republish here, please email them to us at editors(at)greencorn.org. If you don’t use email, then please send these materials by postal mail to: Center for Conscience in Action, c/o James M. Branum, 504 NE 16th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73104. Please note that we will assume that all submissions sent to us (unless otherwise stated by the author at the time of submission) are released for publication by us on a non-exclusive basis, non-commercial basis — meaning that we can’t pay you for what you submit, but that you can publish your material elsewhere since you hold the copyright and not us. Content creators who instead want to release their creations under a Creative Commons license should let us know, so we can note that for readers.
  • With regards to copyrights — For historical documents from the era of the GCR, these materials are generally in the public domain under US law. As for submissions sent to us from the public, the original author holds the copyright unless it is otherwise stated.